Thursday, April 17, 2008

ITV News Story

We must take into consideration the fact that this survey only interviewed 800 people under the age of 25 within a 6 month time period, thus because of this, the results are only represent a small selection.

This article higlights the main points:

1. 1/10 young people have been personally affected by gun and knife crime - this means that they dont have to have been personally attacked with a knife or a gun, but that they know someone whos been a victim of it.

2. Young children are aware of the growing gun crime rates, and many are often scared of living in their own neighbourhoods.

3. The following results show what the respondants felt were the reasons for their peers turning to gun andknife crime:

- 66% : drugs
- 63% : self protection
- 63% : image
- 63% : peer pressure
- 61% : revenge

4. 46% of interviewees said that music and violent computer games could also contribute to this, and 53% said that longer jail sentences could reduce crime rates.

5. Chief Executive Clare Tickell said that "We need to stop generalising and labelling young people as just the problem. They are a group that can take us to the solution.
"Instead of demonising youth, we need to engage and challenge, leaving children and young people with the emotional wellbeing and confidence to meet life's challenges."

6. Children's charity group NCH believe that children under 16 should be included in these interviews as it may help prove why so many young people are victims of crime.

7. The report also stated that young people should be more involved in community based programmes and structured activities.

Evaluating This Source of Research

This piece of research has proved useful, as it, to some extent, underpins what i believe in however due to the small number of people involved in this survey, it only represents a tiny selection of society.

It is true to say that music and violent video games encourage gun crime, as is the fact that the stats mentioned are key contributors to why young people turn to gun and knife crime.

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