The man in question is Gary Nelson, 36, one of Britain's most dangerous gangsters, was found guilty of the murders of security guard William "Kwame" Danso and PC Patrick Dunne in Cato Road, Clapham, south London, in October 1993.
I used the websites http://www.guardian.co.uk/gun/Story/0,,1712558,00.html, http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml?xml=/news/2006/02/18/ngangsta18.xml&sSheet=/portal/2006/02/18/ixportal.html and http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/london/4717168.stm which have furthered my knowledge on this case even more. I want to use this as one of my main case studies - going into detail why he murdered his 2 victims, what his lifestyle was like, what his influences were (films? peer pressures? etc), which in turn will hopefully prove useful in arguing my view.
On reading up about Gary Nelson, it has becomme apparent that his violent record, consisting of 21 offences, dates back to his teen years (15), with links to one of Londons most infamous crime families. He may have joined this group due to peer pressure, or as a result of wanting to feel 'invinsible' (which is how he later described himself).
We can also see a side of Nelson's personality which may suggest he had some mental problems - in 1994, he ran out of his cell naked lunging at police officers with a broom handle. In addition, he was convicted of commiting a violent act on a man who simply overtook his car whilst driving. This could suggest an instability in his thought processes, meaning that he felt the need to release his anger through violent acts.
I would really be intrigued to meet or even know in depth the life story of this man,
one of the most hard core cold hearted villains who walked these streets of Britain. What always striked me was that he seemed to have had the mental self discipline of keeping fit, strong & healthy through weight training & boxing. However evidently lacked those same principles he applied to his fitness lifestyle to a legit standard of living, instead
turning to & leading a life of hiearchy crime & extreme violence. All i would be sceptical on is to not base your views on eveything you read in the media. However I look forward to reading your view on 'Tyson' aka Gary Lloyd Nelson.
you lot are idiots talking about people and things you know nothing about you havent got a clue , if you actualy believe the police and media all your oxbridge education was a waste of time how nieve are you ,you really dont know what the british constabulary are capable of , you should go and "case study" the deep levels of corruption in the met police, and how independent is th i in the ipcc try and see out of the thousands of cases they have been involved in how many times they found against the police , they dont, if your casestudys are based on media and police reports than sorry but there not worth the paper you wrote it on,
Firstly, do not judge this man if you did know him or ever meet him. May I also point out that in history of many crimes there has been people who have been convicted of crimes and also served lengthy sentences and then through sheer persitance of claiming their innocence, they have been set free.... example Guildford Four, Jill Dando's suposed Killer, the Rachel Nickel lady killed on the common in Winbledon, do I need to go on. Therefore you have to ask yourself, just becaise Gary had previous convictions and maybe moved in circles unknown to most of us does not make him Guilty of these murders. He has been a high profile person in the South London known to police and maybe had many people that hated him and many that wanted to be him. The police had had a colleague murdered and they were out for "REVENGE" it could have been anyone known and hated to the police at the time and they wanted to arrest someone, anyone but definately it was not no one. They needed to close this case they needed to show to higher superiors that they could and would close this case they could find who had murdered these two people one being a metroplitan Police officer. So was he set up????? The apparent person who gave information after coming from a country of poverty and hard life in Jamaica who had no status no way for earning a living no way of moving forward in the UK and then hearing about a reward for the capture of these Murders had submitted a statement to Police that she knows who did it. Who was she? she was the Nanny of Gary Nelson's Aunty.......Yes she had inside knowledge you say, she heard things, you say she must of known, you say. But really she was greedy, ungrateful, selfish, maniulative, a nobody, a jealous and envious woman who wanted to live the life that he and his family lived, they partied, they dressed well they had incomes, the source had nothing but the clothes on her back and a Jamaican Passport who did not want to go back to her life of Poverty in Jamaica. She also claimed over £500,000.00 in tax payers money to house her and keep her safe, but yet she bought a brand new car had various relations with notorious men, who she had kids with, and also most importantly she got a British Passport. So can this woman after receiving so much of taxpayers money really have been a reliable source of informant? I leave that to your own discretion. the truth will unvail and he will walk free one day, when maybe these police officers get old and their conscious's cannot take the guilt any more and they reveil that they had set him up. Which he may be old and may have served many years as a innocent man. But the truth will come out as it always has a way of doing. But he is not Notorious as people have said, not vicious, but a Human Being like you and I that may of as said before moved in circles known to the underworld, does that make him a Murder, Nortorious and all the other things they have said. Yes I do know him personally and hope and prey for one day that a man with education and knowledge of a professor may walk free after prooving his innocence and I hope that he is given as much coverage as innocent man as he was given as a convicted man.
everyone who knows him and the real truth know this man is innocent and was totally set up, but it will come out one day all the police corruption in his case , recent media events must make all you see now that you should never believe what you read in the papers you read there lying version , kirsty your a mug... gary nelson is innocent..
but do you realise that the man that is central to the death of the pc and william danso will never be brought to justice? This is an extreme injustice and reeks of police corruption, considering that without the actions of this man pc dunne and william danso may well have been here with you today?
I kn ow the truth behind this story, and who says that gary nelson pulled the trigger? after all this was not his beef? There have been many miscarriages of justice, this maybe one of them. I am willing to let the truth be know....
Mr Gee Nelson is one of the kindest, most thoughtful, intellectual human beings I have ever met. He is a doting father, a true gentleman and by no means guilty of this crime.
Even if we were to play 'devils advocate' and agree with Kirsty's reasoning (based upon literature provided by the media and the police), - common sense and logical reasoning still cannot find him guilty of this crime. Witnesses claimed to have seen three persons flee the scene. It does not take three people to pull a trigger...
The whole case was based on circumstantial evidence which Kirsty has failed to highlight.
Of course, the victims and their families must not be overlooked and what happened is a tragedy. My thoughts are with them. But does it make it alright to have an innocent man pay for this? I think not. I pray that one day soon justice will prevail.
Kirsty, your critical research has not shown itself to be critical nor to be researched. It is one-sided and highly favoured towards the media and the 'establishment'. True scholars would be skeptical of such a standing and your 'piece' does no favours for an innocent man already with enough on his table.
I am glad to see other comments disputing this article and would hope that others who do not know Mr Nelson view these as biased comments simply through association. He is truly a good man, - maybe not with such a saintly past, but NOT a murderer!
To those of you with inside knowledge of this miscarriage of justice, - shame on you: The truth will out.
I lived with Gary in Battersea 1990/91, he is the best, he does not suffer fools gladly, the police were desperate to get a conviction for the
Dunne murder I doubt they were not that bothered about Danso, if Dunne was not at the scene of the Danso murder then I doubt they would of pursued the killers, Gary just happened to be the fall guy as the police wanted him banged up so he carried the can, a classic stitch up, lets see the old prison cell confession trick haha never seems to fail.
I have just read a snippet of your report and it's patently obvious that your research is seriously wanting. The Reason why Nelson came out of the cell naked was because he had covered himself in baby oil so that the screws could not grab hold of him
Here is some research for you Gary Nelson was the most ghosted prisoner in the country .....He had been moved over 30 times from prison to prison in order the prison authorities could mess with his head....The ghost train is an oft used method of frustrating prisoners who will not comply with the petty rules and regs of the prison service ....Secondly Who hasn't succumbed to road rage in the past.....I have got angry way out of proportion when suffering other drivers idiocy
I knew him too many years ago and kirsty..peer pressure, films? Purlease....you know nothing of the man you write about and far too much of what the media want you to believe..
Nelson is a murdering psychopath and will be aproblem in prison just as on outside with destruction he has brought.....the above testimonies are from wannabe gangsta...so obvious in their attempts at testimonials on behalf of this psychopath.
Let him rot I side
Fuck gary nelson his a killer killed 2 innocent people I new kwame he was a lovely guy worked at Brixton academy garyou nelson only could use a gun and not fight fair I still think about kwame alot miss u rip to put dunne also
Well said couldn't put it any better myself
Gary Nelson killed him cause he didn't let him in Brixton academy his ego killed kwame I really new kwame my dad was good friends with him my dad could of easily been at his house fuck Gary Nelson
He didn't do it! The truth will come out soon
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