On BBC News (13th February) one of the leading stories was that claiming that Lambeth held a staggering 25% of all gangs in the whole of London. Researchers found that there were 20 gangs operating in this area - one was even said to have 2,500 members. These gangs have been said to operate in the poorest areas of this borough, including Acre Lane and Stockwell Gardens Estate.
The majority of gang members are African-Caribbean (with a few either white or Asian). Researchers also found that gangs are composed in certain ways regarding ages:
Elders: 20 + [they make their money through drug sales]
Youngers: 16-19 [they benefit from street crime]
Tinies: Under 16
By late 2006, the violence within Lamberth had gotten so bad that there were certain parts of the borough that were labelled 'no-go' areas for outsiders and the vulnerable.
However, a leader of the gang 'Peel Dem Crew' said that their violent behaviour and criminal days are over - they have now turned to the music industry and are 'official businessmen'
The Lambeth Council are currently under-going plans to outline ways in which they can combat the issue. Youth centres, gatherings and a hotline for worried parents are all hopefully going to be set up in an attempt to cut down on gangs.
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