We must take into consideration the fact that this survey only interviewed 800 people under the age of 25 within a 6 month time period, thus because of this, the results are only represent a small selection.
This article higlights the main points:
1. 1/10 young people have been personally affected by gun and knife crime - this means that they dont have to have been personally attacked with a knife or a gun, but that they know someone whos been a victim of it.
2. Young children are aware of the growing gun crime rates, and many are often scared of living in their own neighbourhoods.
3. The following results show what the respondants felt were the reasons for their peers turning to gun andknife crime:
- 66% : drugs
- 63% : self protection
- 63% : image
- 63% : peer pressure
- 61% : revenge
4. 46% of interviewees said that music and violent computer games could also contribute to this, and 53% said that longer jail sentences could reduce crime rates.
5. Chief Executive Clare Tickell said that "We need to stop generalising and labelling young people as just the problem. They are a group that can take us to the solution.
"Instead of demonising youth, we need to engage and challenge, leaving children and young people with the emotional wellbeing and confidence to meet life's challenges."
6. Children's charity group NCH believe that children under 16 should be included in these interviews as it may help prove why so many young people are victims of crime.
7. The report also stated that young people should be more involved in community based programmes and structured activities.
Evaluating This Source of Research
This piece of research has proved useful, as it, to some extent, underpins what i believe in however due to the small number of people involved in this survey, it only represents a tiny selection of society.
It is true to say that music and violent video games encourage gun crime, as is the fact that the stats mentioned are key contributors to why young people turn to gun and knife crime.
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Questionnaire Questions
How old are you?
Where do you live?
Have you ever been in trouble with the police?
Have you ever been involved with crime?
Have you got a criminal record?
Have you ever had a gun or a knife?
Have you ever been in possession of a gun?
Have you ever been in possession of a knife?
Where do you live?
Have you ever been in trouble with the police?
Have you ever been involved with crime?
Have you got a criminal record?
Have you ever had a gun or a knife?
Have you ever been in possession of a gun?
Have you ever been in possession of a knife?
Monday, March 17, 2008
Meeting with Miss B :)
Research Methodology - record and analyse
Write up a questionnaire (end of the week) for next week...
Research Methodology - record and analyse
Write up a questionnaire (end of the week) for next week...
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Firearms Law
Here is the information from the Firearms certificate Act:
There is no minimum age for the issue of a shot gun certificate.
A firearm certificate may be granted to any person aged 17 years or older in their own name and they may then purchase any guns and ammunition specified on that certificate.
A firearm certificate may be granted to any person aged between 14 and 17 years of age, but they may not themselves purchase any guns or ammunition.
No person under 14 may be granted a firearm certificate, or use firearms other than on an approved range or shooting gallery, such as at a fairground (where the maximum calibre allowed is .23 inch).
The minimum age to purchase airguns and any ammunition for them, is 18.
It is an offence under section 21 of the Firearms Act of 1968 as amended, for anyone convicted of a criminal offence, to handle, possess, or shoot a firearm and ammunition (this includes Air Guns). If the sentence was for more than three years the prohibition is for life; if less than three years the prohibition is for 5 years (Note: it is the sentence, not the time served, which is the determining factor).
There is no minimum age for the issue of a shot gun certificate.
A firearm certificate may be granted to any person aged 17 years or older in their own name and they may then purchase any guns and ammunition specified on that certificate.
A firearm certificate may be granted to any person aged between 14 and 17 years of age, but they may not themselves purchase any guns or ammunition.
No person under 14 may be granted a firearm certificate, or use firearms other than on an approved range or shooting gallery, such as at a fairground (where the maximum calibre allowed is .23 inch).
The minimum age to purchase airguns and any ammunition for them, is 18.
It is an offence under section 21 of the Firearms Act of 1968 as amended, for anyone convicted of a criminal offence, to handle, possess, or shoot a firearm and ammunition (this includes Air Guns). If the sentence was for more than three years the prohibition is for life; if less than three years the prohibition is for 5 years (Note: it is the sentence, not the time served, which is the determining factor).
How Does The Media Represent Gun Crime? - My Own Personal Opinion
I believe that the media does the following things when representing gun crime:
* It puts emphasis on the minority, thus creating a bigger issue than neccessary.
* It stereotypes youths: black teenagers are the trouble-makers, they cause all crime, they are the ones who are always involved in criminal activity.
* The media don't tend to acknowledge that other races are involved in gun and knife crime - the media just brush under the carpet the fact that Asians and whites take part in these criminal activities, the numbers are just smaller.
* The media makes correct yet innaccurate statements about the statistics of young black men that turn to crime: they come from single parent homes, they are financially unstable, they dont do well at school in comparison to other races, they have low aspirations and they live in poor boroughs.
* The media focus on certain cases of gun crime - not all of them - and thus draw awareness to the fact that 'another teenager has been shot in Lambeth' - whereas they may not follow up a story when there was a white-on-white shooting in Enfield.
* The media control what stories they air and thus can carry reinforce the stereotype even further.
* It puts emphasis on the minority, thus creating a bigger issue than neccessary.
* It stereotypes youths: black teenagers are the trouble-makers, they cause all crime, they are the ones who are always involved in criminal activity.
* The media don't tend to acknowledge that other races are involved in gun and knife crime - the media just brush under the carpet the fact that Asians and whites take part in these criminal activities, the numbers are just smaller.
* The media makes correct yet innaccurate statements about the statistics of young black men that turn to crime: they come from single parent homes, they are financially unstable, they dont do well at school in comparison to other races, they have low aspirations and they live in poor boroughs.
* The media focus on certain cases of gun crime - not all of them - and thus draw awareness to the fact that 'another teenager has been shot in Lambeth' - whereas they may not follow up a story when there was a white-on-white shooting in Enfield.
* The media control what stories they air and thus can carry reinforce the stereotype even further.
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Detailed Proposal
1. Topic Area
Crime and the Media
2. Proposed title, question, hypothesis
How does the media represent gun crime?
3. Teacher approval granted, in principal?
Yep :)
4. Principle texts (if text based study)
Newspaper articles, TV, film (maybe)
5. Reason for choice
Im really interested in this sort of stuff and think that if you had an interest in a particular topic, then you'll enjoy the task more.
6. Academic context for this study (similar research, relevant theory, named theorists)
7. Institutional context for this study (industry focus, other texts for comparison, named practitioners, relevant theory, issues, questions)
Why are young black men at the centre of most crimanal activies...
8. Identify the audience context for this study (audience profile, access to audience, potential sample)
* Young male teeenagers aged 15-20
* Teachers and adults
* Young teenagers
* Victims of youth crime
9. How will the 4 key concepts be relevant to your study (audience, institution, forms and conventions, representation)?
I will draw upon these 4 concepts in order to create a solid argument - i will go into each one individually and see how they all contribute to youth crime as well as how they may encourage youths to behave inappropriately.
10. Potential research sources (secondary): secondary academic books and websites, secondary industry books and websites, secondary popular criticism. Please identify specific examples you have come across.
* Online newspaper sites which offer online articles
* Newspaper articles which are relevant to my study.
11. Potential research sources (primary): audience reception research, your own content/textual analysis etc
* Interviews with memebers of the public
* Online forums, where people can voice there opinions.
12. Modifications agreed with your lead teacher
13. Potential limits/obstacles/problems?
14. Teacher concerns
15. Teacher approval
Crime and the Media
2. Proposed title, question, hypothesis
How does the media represent gun crime?
3. Teacher approval granted, in principal?
Yep :)
4. Principle texts (if text based study)
Newspaper articles, TV, film (maybe)
5. Reason for choice
Im really interested in this sort of stuff and think that if you had an interest in a particular topic, then you'll enjoy the task more.
6. Academic context for this study (similar research, relevant theory, named theorists)
7. Institutional context for this study (industry focus, other texts for comparison, named practitioners, relevant theory, issues, questions)
Why are young black men at the centre of most crimanal activies...
8. Identify the audience context for this study (audience profile, access to audience, potential sample)
* Young male teeenagers aged 15-20
* Teachers and adults
* Young teenagers
* Victims of youth crime
9. How will the 4 key concepts be relevant to your study (audience, institution, forms and conventions, representation)?
I will draw upon these 4 concepts in order to create a solid argument - i will go into each one individually and see how they all contribute to youth crime as well as how they may encourage youths to behave inappropriately.
10. Potential research sources (secondary): secondary academic books and websites, secondary industry books and websites, secondary popular criticism. Please identify specific examples you have come across.
* Online newspaper sites which offer online articles
* Newspaper articles which are relevant to my study.
11. Potential research sources (primary): audience reception research, your own content/textual analysis etc
* Interviews with memebers of the public
* Online forums, where people can voice there opinions.
12. Modifications agreed with your lead teacher
13. Potential limits/obstacles/problems?
14. Teacher concerns
15. Teacher approval
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Lambeth - Home To 25% of All London's Gangs

On BBC News (13th February) one of the leading stories was that claiming that Lambeth held a staggering 25% of all gangs in the whole of London. Researchers found that there were 20 gangs operating in this area - one was even said to have 2,500 members. These gangs have been said to operate in the poorest areas of this borough, including Acre Lane and Stockwell Gardens Estate.
The majority of gang members are African-Caribbean (with a few either white or Asian). Researchers also found that gangs are composed in certain ways regarding ages:
Elders: 20 + [they make their money through drug sales]
Youngers: 16-19 [they benefit from street crime]
Tinies: Under 16
By late 2006, the violence within Lamberth had gotten so bad that there were certain parts of the borough that were labelled 'no-go' areas for outsiders and the vulnerable.
However, a leader of the gang 'Peel Dem Crew' said that their violent behaviour and criminal days are over - they have now turned to the music industry and are 'official businessmen'
The Lambeth Council are currently under-going plans to outline ways in which they can combat the issue. Youth centres, gatherings and a hotline for worried parents are all hopefully going to be set up in an attempt to cut down on gangs.
In our inner cities, gangs are the new extended families...
On 13th February, BBC News identifed Lambeth as being the home of a quarter of all London's youth gangs. This article is written by a charity worker who works in Lambeth and is in contact with youths involved in gangs.
The latest killings - the vast majority of victims being black - have triggered a flurry of headlines and hand-wringing, but they were going on long before the media cottoned on.
This article highlights some key issues:
* Many youths feel that by them belonging to a gang, they are ensured protection if something goes wrong - to contrast this, they feel that the police won't come to their rescue.
* Inner city youths see gangs as their extented family - they know that they can rely on them in times of need.
* In some cases, people become parts of gangs, due to their family history - brothers, uncles, cousins may all belong to the same gang as they join.
* A Mori poll last year found that 29% of pupils in London schools admitted to carrying a knife, HOWEVER But the young people coming through the doors of our project say that 90-95% of their classmates have taken a knife to school in the past year.
* When asked, a boy of 16 years old, was able to describe what a Mac-10 was, without hestitation. He said what one was (a sub-machine gun), how many rounds per second it can spray (more than 12), and its street price (£800), without pausing.
* Tony Blair claimed that this behaviour wasnt caused by society poverty, but the increase in black gang culture.
* HOWEVER despite the thoughts that more black role models are needed, it is in fact the question of money. The lack of money, has been said to be the root of all of this violence.
* Sharon, the girlfriend of someone who recently got killed, said that money leads to a cycle of robbery - if you dont have the latest goods, then you'll rob people that have them already, yet they've probably stolen them goods in the first place - this cycle continues.
* Lloyd, 16, says that its easier to rob people who live in your neighbour hood, as opposed to people who live in prosperous areas, as they are more likely to call the police, and thus they will get involved. When robbing one of your own kind, officers are less interested.
* The result is a vicious circle of violence and fear, where deprived young people feel exposed and vulnerable, left behind by a rampantly consumerist society they can ill-afford to buy into.
* In many cases youths are forced into this situation due to the lack of things for them to do and their poor backgrounds - parents constantly struggling to make ends meet. This combination causes them to become at a loss as to what to occupy themselves with; however they all know that guns and knives are readily availible, therefore resort to using these.
On 13th February, BBC News identifed Lambeth as being the home of a quarter of all London's youth gangs. This article is written by a charity worker who works in Lambeth and is in contact with youths involved in gangs.
The latest killings - the vast majority of victims being black - have triggered a flurry of headlines and hand-wringing, but they were going on long before the media cottoned on.
This article highlights some key issues:
* Many youths feel that by them belonging to a gang, they are ensured protection if something goes wrong - to contrast this, they feel that the police won't come to their rescue.
* Inner city youths see gangs as their extented family - they know that they can rely on them in times of need.
* In some cases, people become parts of gangs, due to their family history - brothers, uncles, cousins may all belong to the same gang as they join.
* A Mori poll last year found that 29% of pupils in London schools admitted to carrying a knife, HOWEVER But the young people coming through the doors of our project say that 90-95% of their classmates have taken a knife to school in the past year.
* When asked, a boy of 16 years old, was able to describe what a Mac-10 was, without hestitation. He said what one was (a sub-machine gun), how many rounds per second it can spray (more than 12), and its street price (£800), without pausing.
* Tony Blair claimed that this behaviour wasnt caused by society poverty, but the increase in black gang culture.
* HOWEVER despite the thoughts that more black role models are needed, it is in fact the question of money. The lack of money, has been said to be the root of all of this violence.
* Sharon, the girlfriend of someone who recently got killed, said that money leads to a cycle of robbery - if you dont have the latest goods, then you'll rob people that have them already, yet they've probably stolen them goods in the first place - this cycle continues.
* Lloyd, 16, says that its easier to rob people who live in your neighbour hood, as opposed to people who live in prosperous areas, as they are more likely to call the police, and thus they will get involved. When robbing one of your own kind, officers are less interested.
* The result is a vicious circle of violence and fear, where deprived young people feel exposed and vulnerable, left behind by a rampantly consumerist society they can ill-afford to buy into.
* In many cases youths are forced into this situation due to the lack of things for them to do and their poor backgrounds - parents constantly struggling to make ends meet. This combination causes them to become at a loss as to what to occupy themselves with; however they all know that guns and knives are readily availible, therefore resort to using these.
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Guardian Unlimited
This website is off Guardian Unlimited, which has an archive of all the articles published in it's newspapers.
Hopefully, i will use this website to understand and learn some more about the increasing rates in gun crime in London, and how the media represents both the victims and the culprits.
This website is off Guardian Unlimited, which has an archive of all the articles published in it's newspapers.
Hopefully, i will use this website to understand and learn some more about the increasing rates in gun crime in London, and how the media represents both the victims and the culprits.
My Final Question..
How does the media represent gun crime in the UK?
* outline my personal opinion - hypothesis
* briefly identify what the current laws are on firearms have they changed over the past 10 years?
* identify the types of media that is open to portraying gun crime - newspapers, tv, radio, internet, youtube etc
* analyse a few ofthese different forms - how does the media represent gun crime across these different mediums?
* conclude what i have found regarding my research
* conduct some audience research - talk to some youths, see how they feel about the way in which the media represents them regarding gun crime etc
* maybe talk to some specific people who have experienced gun crime - Richie's family?
* what/if any patterns have my audience believe in the same thing as i do?
* draw all my research together...both primary and secondary
* conclude everything - identify what my results have shown; was my opinion the same as others?? do some people disagree?? why is this??
* outline my personal opinion - hypothesis
* briefly identify what the current laws are on firearms have they changed over the past 10 years?
* identify the types of media that is open to portraying gun crime - newspapers, tv, radio, internet, youtube etc
* analyse a few ofthese different forms - how does the media represent gun crime across these different mediums?
* conclude what i have found regarding my research
* conduct some audience research - talk to some youths, see how they feel about the way in which the media represents them regarding gun crime etc
* maybe talk to some specific people who have experienced gun crime - Richie's family?
* what/if any patterns have my audience believe in the same thing as i do?
* draw all my research together...both primary and secondary
* conclude everything - identify what my results have shown; was my opinion the same as others?? do some people disagree?? why is this??
How does the media mask/portray the entirety of gun crime in the UK?
- they cover up parts of the story so that you have a negative view on certain sections of society....predominantly young black men/youths
- the media uses hip hop as an excuse to mask the truth behind gun crime.....instead of tackling the root of the problem, the use hip hop as a medium to mask
- the media dont take into consideration the surroundings in which people are brought up in, the readily availibility of guns in London etc....instead they constantly exposer ideas in the media, from which they think are the main causes for the increasing numbers of crime rates
This website gives an insight into the way the media portrays hip hop as a main cause of encouraged youths to use guns.
- they cover up parts of the story so that you have a negative view on certain sections of society....predominantly young black men/youths
- the media uses hip hop as an excuse to mask the truth behind gun crime.....instead of tackling the root of the problem, the use hip hop as a medium to mask
- the media dont take into consideration the surroundings in which people are brought up in, the readily availibility of guns in London etc....instead they constantly exposer ideas in the media, from which they think are the main causes for the increasing numbers of crime rates
This website gives an insight into the way the media portrays hip hop as a main cause of encouraged youths to use guns.
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
The Media and Crime
It has been said that the "media's attention on high profile and sensational crime can distort the true picture". Even with good news about falling crime rates, the media prefer to single out instances where crime is rising. This tendency to sensationalise crime extends beyond the news media through to TV drama and cinema. There is a continuing fascination with crime that will never go away even if the media could be persuaded to temper their worst excesses.
Crime stories carry all or most of the ‘media triggers’ identified by academic research e.g.
* Questions of blame.
* Alleged secrets and attempted cover-ups.
* Human interest through identified heroes, villains, victims and dupes.
* Links with existing high profile issues or personalities
* Conflict.
* Portent of further ills (What next?).
* Many people exposed to the risk, even if at low levels (It could be you).
* Strong visual impact (e.g. pictures of suffering).
Crime stories carry all or most of the ‘media triggers’ identified by academic research e.g.
* Questions of blame.
* Alleged secrets and attempted cover-ups.
* Human interest through identified heroes, villains, victims and dupes.
* Links with existing high profile issues or personalities
* Conflict.
* Portent of further ills (What next?).
* Many people exposed to the risk, even if at low levels (It could be you).
* Strong visual impact (e.g. pictures of suffering).
Initial Proposal No.2
1. Which topic area is this proposal for?
Crime and the Media.
2. What is the suggested focus?
Focusing on the link between youths and knife & gun crime - how does the media portray certain sections of society?
3. Do you have an idea for a question/problematic?
Is the media's stereotyping an accurate acount of British youths?
4. Why would you choose this?
Because I'm really interested in crime and what goes on in and around society. I read and hear a lot about knife&gun crime, therefore I feel that I already have an advantage.
5. Do you have any concerns or are there any limitations to this proposal?
I'm not sure whether or not I could succesfully answer this question, due to the need of accurate statistics etc.
6. Can you rate it on a sliding scale 1- 5 (5 being great proposal, 0 being lousy proposal)
31/2 - I think this proposal is a good one, however I need to ensure that I get the right information, both theory and evidence in order to successfully answer my question.
Crime and the Media.
2. What is the suggested focus?
Focusing on the link between youths and knife & gun crime - how does the media portray certain sections of society?
3. Do you have an idea for a question/problematic?
Is the media's stereotyping an accurate acount of British youths?
4. Why would you choose this?
Because I'm really interested in crime and what goes on in and around society. I read and hear a lot about knife&gun crime, therefore I feel that I already have an advantage.
5. Do you have any concerns or are there any limitations to this proposal?
I'm not sure whether or not I could succesfully answer this question, due to the need of accurate statistics etc.
6. Can you rate it on a sliding scale 1- 5 (5 being great proposal, 0 being lousy proposal)
31/2 - I think this proposal is a good one, however I need to ensure that I get the right information, both theory and evidence in order to successfully answer my question.
Monday, February 11, 2008
Crime Rates for London: 2006-2007
Using the Metropolitan Police website - - it has enabled me to look at the crime rates for individual boroughs, from which I can then see whether or not the bourough has seen an increase or a decrease in the total number of crimes including rape, robbery and racism.
This website allows me to pinpoint which boroughs recieve the highest crime rates - in this case its Westminster with a staggering 65,728 crimes from December '06 - December '07. In comparison the borough that recieved the lowest crime rates was Richmond-upon-Thames which had a total number of 12,490 crimes. My results show that the boroughs on the outskirts of London have a lower crime rate, whereas the city boroughs are the ones that attract the most crime. This could support the idea that the higher the poverty levels in a particular area, such as Newham (35,186), Southwark (39,955) and Hackney (32,649), the higher the crime levels. To contrast this, commuter-belt boroughs such as Harrow (13,851) and Kingston-upon-Thames (12,490) have the lowest crime rate......Does this suggest anything about the people living in particular areas or does this have nothing to do with it??
This website allows me to pinpoint which boroughs recieve the highest crime rates - in this case its Westminster with a staggering 65,728 crimes from December '06 - December '07. In comparison the borough that recieved the lowest crime rates was Richmond-upon-Thames which had a total number of 12,490 crimes. My results show that the boroughs on the outskirts of London have a lower crime rate, whereas the city boroughs are the ones that attract the most crime. This could support the idea that the higher the poverty levels in a particular area, such as Newham (35,186), Southwark (39,955) and Hackney (32,649), the higher the crime levels. To contrast this, commuter-belt boroughs such as Harrow (13,851) and Kingston-upon-Thames (12,490) have the lowest crime rate......Does this suggest anything about the people living in particular areas or does this have nothing to do with it??
Friday, February 8, 2008
British Gangster Films - Do They Have An Effect On Their Audiences?
I have decided to research into some famous British gang films which may or may not have an effect on their audiences..
I am going to look at 'Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels', 'The Krays' and 'Reservoir Dogs'. By conducting more research into these films, I will see if the media have made attempts at saying that one of the films caused certain criminals to commit the crimes they commit.
I am going to look at 'Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels', 'The Krays' and 'Reservoir Dogs'. By conducting more research into these films, I will see if the media have made attempts at saying that one of the films caused certain criminals to commit the crimes they commit.
Case Study 1: Gary Nelson

The man in question is Gary Nelson, 36, one of Britain's most dangerous gangsters, was found guilty of the murders of security guard William "Kwame" Danso and PC Patrick Dunne in Cato Road, Clapham, south London, in October 1993.
I used the websites,,1712558,00.html, and which have furthered my knowledge on this case even more. I want to use this as one of my main case studies - going into detail why he murdered his 2 victims, what his lifestyle was like, what his influences were (films? peer pressures? etc), which in turn will hopefully prove useful in arguing my view.
On reading up about Gary Nelson, it has becomme apparent that his violent record, consisting of 21 offences, dates back to his teen years (15), with links to one of Londons most infamous crime families. He may have joined this group due to peer pressure, or as a result of wanting to feel 'invinsible' (which is how he later described himself).
We can also see a side of Nelson's personality which may suggest he had some mental problems - in 1994, he ran out of his cell naked lunging at police officers with a broom handle. In addition, he was convicted of commiting a violent act on a man who simply overtook his car whilst driving. This could suggest an instability in his thought processes, meaning that he felt the need to release his anger through violent acts.
Gary Nelson,
peer pressure,
Initial Proposal No.1
1. Which topic area is this proposal for?
Crime and the Media.
2. What is the suggested focus?
Focusing on the controversal question: 'Is The The Media To Blame' - the media isn't to blame for the increasing rate of violent crme.
3. Do you have an idea for a question/problematic?
'The Media Is Not To Blame'....the general argument of the essay will be arguing that crime films/British gangster films do not effect people who commit crimes - they are not influenced by them; instead there are other key factors that cause criminals to do wrong in society.
4. Why would you choose this?
Because I'm really interested in crime and what goes on in and around society. I enjoy watching programs such as CrimeWatch UK as I find all the different cases really intriguing. I love hearing about crime stories and have a lot of knowledge on the topic already, which will help me with this project.
5. Do you have any concerns or are there any limitations to this proposal?
I have to consider both sides of the question: I must outline the arguments which state that the media is to blame for the increasing rate of crime, and state why I feel they are not the core reasons for why people commit crime.
6. Can you rate it on a sliding scale 1- 5 (5 being great proposal, 0 being lousy proposal)
31/2 - I think this proposal is a good one, however I need to ensure that I get the right information, both theory and evidence in order to successfully answer my question.
Crime and the Media.
2. What is the suggested focus?
Focusing on the controversal question: 'Is The The Media To Blame' - the media isn't to blame for the increasing rate of violent crme.
3. Do you have an idea for a question/problematic?
'The Media Is Not To Blame'....the general argument of the essay will be arguing that crime films/British gangster films do not effect people who commit crimes - they are not influenced by them; instead there are other key factors that cause criminals to do wrong in society.
4. Why would you choose this?
Because I'm really interested in crime and what goes on in and around society. I enjoy watching programs such as CrimeWatch UK as I find all the different cases really intriguing. I love hearing about crime stories and have a lot of knowledge on the topic already, which will help me with this project.
5. Do you have any concerns or are there any limitations to this proposal?
I have to consider both sides of the question: I must outline the arguments which state that the media is to blame for the increasing rate of crime, and state why I feel they are not the core reasons for why people commit crime.
6. Can you rate it on a sliding scale 1- 5 (5 being great proposal, 0 being lousy proposal)
31/2 - I think this proposal is a good one, however I need to ensure that I get the right information, both theory and evidence in order to successfully answer my question.
Thursday, February 7, 2008
The Home Office
The Home Office website, outlines how they intend to reduce youth crime as currently "Youth crime harms communities, creates a culture of fear and damages the lives of some of our most vulnerable young people."
This website sucessfully outlines the factors which, they feel, have caused youth-crime to increase over the past few years. They are:
- troubled home life
- poor attainment at school, truancy and school exclusion
- drug or alcohol misuse and mental illness
- deprivation such as poor housing or homelessness
- peer group pressure
This website sucessfully outlines the factors which, they feel, have caused youth-crime to increase over the past few years. They are:
- troubled home life
- poor attainment at school, truancy and school exclusion
- drug or alcohol misuse and mental illness
- deprivation such as poor housing or homelessness
- peer group pressure
As you can see, these factors are all constantly reinforced by the governments views of youths, particularly black youths, and also that of the media's who reguarly issue stories in newspapers about how society should be aware of the increasing rates of crime coming from youths.
To begin with, I am just going to gather some information about youth and gun/knife crime in London, and how the media portrays youths in negative ways.
I think that this website may prove useful in the research stage of this project:
I think that this website may prove useful in the research stage of this project:
I have decided that I am going to study Crime and the media, and the way in which the media constantly links youths with the increasing number of gun crime and knife crime.
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